How to Rank Higher on Google with SEO

Importance of Search Engine Optimization

Just how important is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, to your search engine ranking? According to Backlinko, the first listing in Google’s organic search results has an average Click Through Rate (CTR) of 27.6%. The further down a site is listed on search engines, the lower this click through rate becomes. Because of this, it’s extremely important to optimize your website to rank higher on search engines and ultimately receive more clicks to your website.


Improve Brand Visibility with SEO

The first search result on Google is not there by random. Due to the keywords you searched, the first website you see is what Google feels is the most relevant site for you, based on your query. You may be wondering “How does Google know what website is most relevant?”

Google consists of bots that actively crawl or index pages on a website. Crawling a website means looking closely at the information throughout that site such as the keywords, meta data, etc., on each page.

To increase your chances of ranking high on search engines, your website must be optimized. There are a variety of different elements that help optimize a website such as:

  • Blogs
  • Keywords
  • Meta Data
  • Backlinks
  • Images
  • And much more

Let’s take a deeper dive into these elements and how they can help your website get seen.

Content and Blogs

In order to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP), developing new material and content, such as blogs, on a consistent basis is important. If your site is not frequently updated and putting out new content, Google won’t feel the need to index your website. This will result in a lower ranking on the SERP.

Although it’s important to frequently add new content, it’s just as important to do the research and ensure the keywords you use are intentional.

blog seo

Meta Data

For each individual page on your site, ensure that there is a meta title and meta description. These two elements are used to inform search engines and interest users with a short, relevant snippet of what that page is about. The title and description are shown in the search results:

metadata for seo

Backlinks to Your Site

A backlink is an incoming hyperlink from another web page to your site that can improve its reputation. If your site has multiple backlinks from other trustworthy sites, you will start to gain the trust of search engines. When search engines feel that your site is reliable, they begin to rank your website higher, resulting in higher traffic on your pages.

Meaningful Visuals

Studies show that websites with visuals tend to hold users’ attention longer than sites without. By including images, you can make a page more visually appealing and eye-catching than one that solely has text. Users will often spend more time on your website because there is more to see, which lowers your bounce rate. And, you guessed it, Google loves a website with a low bounce rate.

website images seo

Benefits of Working with an Agency

Although this article just scratches the surface of website SEO, we hope you gathered some key takeaways to ultimately boost your website traffic! Remember, a content-rich website with high visibility in search engines is the key to generating new leads, sales, and profit. Our full-service digital marketing agency helps companies all over the country achieve success in a digital economy.

Learn more about our SEO services here. If you are ready to increase your website traffic and gain more customers, reach out to our team today.

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