advertising plan

Ultimate Guide to Create a Successful Advertising Plan

There are many actions that need to take place before your advertising campaign goes live, such as creating an advertising plan.

Think about your advertising campaign as a trip you are going to take. You wouldn’t start driving to your destination without an idea of your drive length, directions to the location, and how much money you have for gas, food, and your stay. Similarly, an advertising campaign needs a roadmap, or plan, to be as efficient and successful as possible.

What is an Advertising Plan?

An advertising plan consists of many different elements. A strategic advertising plan details how you will connect with your target market and meet your advertising objectives. This plan outlines the channels you will utilize with targeted ads, messaging, and necessary budget, as well as all the other components and details you need to implement your advertising strategy.

campaign plan

Why Having a Plan is Important

Not only does implementing a plan help ensure your team is on the same page, but it also allows you to set expectations and goals while providing a direct path to your anticipated return on investment (ROI). Having a plan is never a bad idea, and your plan does not have to be set in stone. It can be revised during your campaign based on the results you see. For example, if your campaign is doing extremely well and it is about to end, you may want to extend the end date and increase your budget.

How to Create an Advertising Plan

Step 1

The first step in creating your plan is to provide a complete overview. Your overview should simplify your plan and allow anyone reading it to have a basic understanding.

Your overview should include each of the following:

  • Campaign name – Create a unique name for your campaign.
  • Description of campaign – Here you will add the purpose of your campaign and how it will help your customers.
  • Target audience – Who do you want to see your ads? Be specific. Include as many demographics as you would like such as age, race, sex, location, etc.
  • Advertising platforms – Here you will identify what platform your target audience will see your ads on.
  • Campaign goals and ROI – Describe the main goal of your campaign. Is it lead generation? Maybe it’s an increase in sales or brand awareness. Whatever it may be, your goals should be concise and easy to understand.

Step 2

The next step is simply a more detailed description of the platforms you will use.

Include the following:

  • Platform name
  • Ad type and description
  • Campaign Timeline
  • Budget

Step 3

Develop a timeline for the entire length of your campaign, from start to finish. This timeline should start with research and end with campaign success reports.

Step 4

Outline your budget. This step is important to show exactly where your dollars are being spent. Create a table with a line-by-line explanation of how much money is being spent and where. budget example

Step 5

Meet with your team. Ensure everyone understands the expectations and goals of the campaign and answer any questions they may have!

Learn more about how Amplimark can help you on your advertising journey here.

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