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Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Advertising

Have you ever wondered where those Facebook advertisements on your feed come from and how they get there? Social media advertising has introduced a whole new ballgame for businesses. Because it is so new, it can be scary to shell out your hard earned money...

Unleashing the Power of SEO: Boosting Your Business Online

In a recent conversation with my grandpa about branding and digital marketing at Amplimark, we discussed how the landscape of attracting customers has drastically changed. Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional advertising methods like the penny saver. In today's digital world,...

A pile of scrabble pieces

Unleashing the Power of Keywords: Optimizing Content for Success

In the world of content creation, it's common to face challenges when trying to optimize your content and identify the right keywords. However, by adopting a strategic approach, you can enhance your digital marketing efforts and drive profitable results. Let's explore how to find...

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